Hikari Sogoh Law Offices

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July issue of Lawyers’ Column: ” The Advanced Judicial Examination Taken by Tomoko Inotsume ” by Yoichiro Itakura.


June issue of Lawyers’ Column: ” Actions to Be Taken by the Board of Directors When a Large Quantity of Shares is Held – Referring to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry’s “Guidelines for Corporate Takeovers” ” by Satoshi Shimizu.


June issue of Lawyers’ Column: ” The Parable of “Three Years of Rice Cooking” — Are Lawyers Artisans? ” by Kiyoshi Watanabe.


May issue of Lawyers’ Column: ” You Can Obtain Family Registers from Across the Country at Your Local Government Office ” by Masakazu Ueda.


May issue of Lawyers’ Column: ” Intellectual Property Rights and Antitrust Law – The Information Storage Device Case ” by Shohei Takeda.

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